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Low-Code Digital CX Apps Transform Customer Relationships 

Low-Code Digital CX Apps: Every leading services company is scrambling to improve customer relationships. What’s driving this sea change for customer experience? According to a recent SalesForce article

“…Changing customer expectations and competitive pressures require a new approach to dealing with today’s tech-savvy consumer. This commitment to CX impacts nearly every organizational nook and cranny while inspiring game-changing innovation like never before.”

Additionally, a recent Adobe and eConsultancy study of more than 31,000 business leaders found that:

More than a third (36%) of all respondents say that CX – specifically making the experience on our properties easy/fun/valuable – will be the primary way they seek to differentiate themselves over the next five years. Retail banking respondents are even more likely than their counterparts to be focusing on the customer experience, with 41% of these participants regarding it as the primary focus for differentiation. Companies in this sector are significantly more likely than their peers to regard customer journey optimization as ‘very important’ over the next few years (81% for FSI vs. 69% for other sectors).

Further, consumer expectations for their purchasing and support experiences continue to rise. Your own customer feedback loop likely reinforces this assertion. Credit (or blame) Google, social media, and other always-on ways to engage and get answers.

Covid-19 Creates Urgency

This is a longstanding trend, but the COVID-19 pandemic has created a significant inflection point for digital cx apps. Simply offering customers a choice of digital channel and other engagement venues isn’t enough. Round-the-clock omnichannel support is becoming table stakes. Today’s customer expects every interaction at every touchpoint to be frictionless and virtually any task to be instantly completed. Seamless customer experiences don’t just win and keep customers; they create efficiencies that can have a significant impact on the bottom line.

CX leaders are experimenting with many digital tools to enhance and automate various aspects of sales and service engagement. Their goal is to transform the digital experience to become a genuine competitive advantage for their organizations. Many companies are experimenting with one or more of the following technologies:

  • Intelligent Forms
  • Mobile eSign
  • Secure Payments
  • Visual IVR
  • Video chat
  • Video Co-Browsing
  • Content Sharing

All this activity is focused on delivering a better customer experience. As is typical in the early stages of the digital maturity lifecycle, many companies have looked to in-house teams and point solution providers to deploy these and other customer service app technologies. That often brings two significant problems:

Tech Resources are Limited

CX leaders must vie for dev time and wait for their project to reach the top of the dev queue. This not only adds time and cost to the project, but it also often means that the developers assigned to a project are not experts in the specific type of technology desired. 

Point Solutions Mean Unsolved Problems

As you seek to streamline or automate new aspects of your customer experience, you must continually identify and vet new providers, wait on resources for deployment, and then deal with the hassles of integrating with other customer systems.  ‘

Most of us are too familiar with the most visible consequences: slow deployment, bad experience/compliance rates, and poor outcomes that fall short of customer satisfaction. As time goes on, customers become more and more conditioned to prefer digital behavior over in-person and phone support, meaning that the experience gap grows. But there are many other associated problems as well. Increased security risks, disconnected customer data silos, and lower conversion and compliance rates are all affected. 

Most CX leaders would love to identify a better approach — one that lets them digitize and automate any process, to their specific needs and circumstances, without the need for outside development resources and “code.

Low-Code Digital CX Apps and Platforms

Fortunately, new technology platforms offer a simpler and more strategic alternative that enables holistic CX management and inviting customer touchpoints. These new platforms offer a unified suite of collaboration capabilities and low-code building tools that allow you to solve virtually any customer process pain point quickly. 

Low-code digital CX apps and platforms offer a flexible and versatile way to address CX bottlenecks, radically enhancing user experience while helping sales and service teams improve efficiency and results. The CallVu Platform offers an outstanding example of this transformational low-code CX technology. Callvu versatility is best expressed in three broad areas:

Flow Builder

The Flow Builder in a low-code digital CX apps platform enables you to architect an end-to-end experience, connecting a customer-facing interface to the various platforms, databases, and BI tools already utilized in the organization. Using its simple and intuitive tools, any business professional can build efficient and satisfying digital workflows – configure navigation, add logic, build integrations, and QA workflows before publishing to any customer channel. 

To simplify the process and ensure you can develop any needed experience without coding skills, the Flow Builder includes workflow templates, reusable content, simple integration builder/connectors, and a fully functional channel manager.

Screen Builder

The Screen Builder is a low-code digital CX app platform enables you to develop a highly appealing and intuitive app experience that drives up adoption and compliance. Callvu uses a robust drag-and-drop UI to quickly create responsive screens that engage customers on any connected device. Notably, the Screen Builder creates an entirely portable experience you can deliver anywhere — on websites and portals, in apps, call center sessions and IVR, and in-store.

The Screen Builder is a lot more robust than a simple WYSIWYG HTML editor. You can incorporate multiple forms of rich media, including video, audio, and animations. You can also leverage easy tools to visualize data and dynamically deliver real-time information like account balances and personalized offers. 

Form Builder

The Form Builder in a low-code digital CX app platform completes the solution by enabling you to build and deploy powerful digital forms and easily embed form components and capabilities that use advanced logic.

The builder offers both intelligent and dynamic forms capabilities, secure mobile eSign (our tools or “bring your own”), a secure payments toolset, and even a PDF generator to deliver beautifully formatted documents to customers during and after an interaction.

Deployment and Measurement Solutions

A low-code digital CX automation platform like Callvu also makes it easy to connect your digital experiences to existing backend systems like CRM, account management, marketing automation, and more. It enables you to exchange customer data with these toolsets for responsive forms, personalized experience, and autofill. It ensures your customer data platform and other systems have the most up-to-date information and customer insight.

From there, Callvu offers a straightforward process to deliver the experience on the web, in-app, at retail, and via contact center and outbound sales engagements.

When a deployment is complete, comprehensive and intuitive analytics deliver actionable insights, providing visibility into every digital interaction across all these digital touchpoints.

Leveraging Analytics for Optimization

By now, it’s clear to see how a Low-Code Digital CX App Platform like Callvu can radically improve the customer experience at unprecedented speed. To ensure that teams can continue innovating and optimizing the customer experience, Low-Code CX App Platforms like Callvu incorporate robust real-time analytics to provide insight into customer adoption and usage. Using these insights, you can formulate new optimizations and ensure that your customer experience is truly world-class. 

Adapting to Your Existing Infrastructure

Low-code digital CX app platforms are designed to make it easy to put an attractive and productive face on your customer processes. The best such tools enable you to keep all of your existing infrastructure and platforms. They bridge the technology and data silos that hamper customer experiences, providing pre-built connectors and robust APIs in a simple yet powerful connection builder.

The Callvu Platform, for example, makes it easy to integrate with Salesforce, Microsoft Teams, Zendesk, Nice NContact, and many other platforms. With Callvu, you can even send CX automations from contact center tools for an authentic omnichannel customer experience that boosts satisfaction. 

How Brands Can Get Started with Low-Code Digital CX Apps and Platforms

Most companies have lots of CX challenges in their various customer challenges. High-performance teams recognize that they are best served by taking a triaged approach to their challenges instead of tackling everything at once. Most such teams get started with low-code digital CX platforms by addressing a single troublesome use case — one that, if fixed, would generate significant revenue or savings. This gives them a low-risk way to try new tech and develop processes for its continued use. With minimal upfront commitment, the right Low-Code Digital CX Platform will empower you to take this phased approach. 

When thinking about technology, there are typically two key considerations. 

  • First, can the solution be deployed and adopted quickly to begin realizing value? After all, most businesses have a significant backlog of CX and other dev projects getting dusty in the dec queue.
  • Second, how future-proof is the software? Does it work with my information and customer engagement systems, and will it empower my teams to innovate as new customer interaction challenges and opportunities arise?

Low-code digital CX platforms meet both of these challenges, delivering flexibility so companies can meet ever-evolving needs and competitive pressures. That requires horizontally organized solutions encompassing a broad range of possible features but easy/low commitment to start with.

Most innovative CX leaders welcome this departure from when it was essential to find separate specialist point-solutions for every function. Now, successful tech and vendor selection is about ensuring you can be nimble. Another key benefit: more accurate and updated customer data.

Example Phased Approach to Low-Code Digital CX Apps and Platform Technology

Digital CX maturity typically follows a pattern of stages. Here’s an example of a bank that began by streamlining its credit card application process in a cx app and then found additional ways to optimize and scale collaboration to other parts of the business: 

Stage 1 – Proof of Concept: Demonstrate the Value

  • The team builds a responsive web form that is easy to complete/displays well on any device
  • The digital process is deployed online, at call centers, and in retail bank kiosks
  • Result: Form completes and application quality increased

Stage 2 – Find Additional Use Cases: Propagate the Value

  • The team then identified paperless online banking adoption as a critical point of potential savings. 
  • The team developed and deployed an easy-to-use app that outlined the benefits of online account management and seamlessly collected permissions
  • The process was deployed on the website and in the mobile app
  • Result: Tens of thousands of new online banking migrations
  • Then the team set driving automatic bill payment as its next goal. 
  • The team developed a new multimedia app, process, and enrollment form to drive increased sign-ups. 
  • The form was deployed online, in-app, and as part of call center scripts
  • Result: Tens of thousands of new autopay enrollments

Stage 3 – Optimize the User Experience

  • The team then sought to optimize its new digital processes to increase completions and compliance rates
  • An analysis led to the identification of unclear user screens that needed to be simplified
  • Updated experiences were quickly developed, tested, and deployed
  • Result: Further increases in all desired metrics

Stage 4 – Scale Automation

  • The credit card team demonstrated the value of digital automation to other bank teams
  • Result: New departments field their first digital experience(s)

This simplified timeline will give you some idea of how low-code digital CX app platforms can address immediate bottlenecks and then solve additional CX challenges across the business.

It provides an example of how a company can move from a single POC to a comprehensive strategy that starts with customer insights and results in greater customer loyalty. Every company starts with its own most pressing challenge. 


Every company has acute CX problems that it wants to solve. They need app solutions by yesterday.  By implementing the Callvu Low-Code CX Automation Platform to develop apps with low code, you get tools to solve that immediate challenge, plus the flexibility to eliminate other bottlenecks you face in the future. 

Want to learn more about digital customer experience and automation? Talk to us. Tell us your most significant customer experience challenge. We’ll architect a solution with predictable costs and minimal commitment requirements. We will also show you how you can implement a continuous app improvement strategy for the future with a large and growing range of capabilities delivered through our platform. 

Transforming Experience for Leading Brands

Callvu and our digital customer experience management platform redefine the way leading brands transform their customer experiences. As a pioneer and a leader in low-code CX app development and automation, Callvu empowers modern enterprises to rapidly digitize and automate CX journeys and deploy these app solutions anywhere they engage consumers. 

Get More Information About Callvu and Low-Code Digital CX Apps

By removing friction from sales and service interactions, our digital platform enables clients to cut costs, increase brand loyalty, raise customer retention, boost digital commerce metrics, and keep customers happy. Many clients also see better employee experience. For more information, visit Callvu and request a demo.

Get the FICX Digital Self-Service Development Playbook

Building digital self-service experiences should be easy. It can be. This helpful playbook explains how you can create, integrate, and deliver powerful digital self-service experiences 10X faster than with traditional/custom CX development. Get your copy now.

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